Sequential Chroma Loop 9 (SCL9) color stripe study #1-9
Sequential Chroma Loop 9 (SCL9) color stripe study #1-3, 2012, acrylic on paper, 1-3 of 9 sheets, each image: 3 x 3 in.; each sheet: 5 x 4 in.
Sequential Chroma Loop 9 (SCL9) color stripe study #4-6, 2012, acrylic on paper, 4-6 of 9 sheets, each image: 3 x 3 in.; each sheet: 5 x 4 in.
Sequential Chroma Loop 9 (SCL9) color stripe study #7-9, 2012, acrylic on paper, 7-9 of 9 sheets, each image: 3 x 3 in.; each sheet: 5 x 4 in.